George Lucas on Why He Won't Make Another STAR WARS Film

When George Lucas sold his franchise to Disney, Lucas offered some scripts with his ideas for the franchise. Disney said thanks, but no thanks.

Yea George, we've seen your last three tries at kicking the franchise back into life and you gave us Jar Jar fucking Binks that we can NEVER unfucking-see/hear!  Thanks buddy.

Along those lines, this is almost funny, seeing George Lucas trying to inject himself back into the Star Wars mania.


But in the piece on Screen Crush, they spoke about a video interview with Vanity Fair and how Lucas lamented being picked apart for making movies, referencing his prequel trilogy. He went on to mention how he hopes that J.J. Abrams in 'The Force Awakens,' "doesn’t get muddled into a bunch of gobbledygook.” The implied part of that sentence is, “…like I did.”



In a more realistic (?) piece over on EW, titled "They weren't keen to have me involved," they actually remind us of Disney having discarded his treatments for upcoming films, deciding they were going to do their own thing. 

And to be honest, Disney knows what they're doing George. Have you seen the flood of marketing alone from the big mouse? And I hope to god there's some cute scene in the background where Jar Jar Binks gets blown up! Would they dare?

But in the EW piece, he said he envisioned future films about the succeeding generations of families from the original film. And at this point, I'm going to stop quoting him... just in case he starts spoiling the outline of the upcoming film.


Despite my worries about spoiling the film, I think Disney is doing a grand job on their own. Since the last official trailer was released, they've released five TV clips that have added new material to the world of movie previews. And we still have a few weeks to go, so who knows how many more there will be.

I've avoided these TV clips like the plague. I saw what they do with clips and they completely ruined most of the fun surprise spots in Iron Man 3 for me with spoiler-like previews, so yea, I'm avoiding their clips. And if you like being surprised by a movie, I'd suggest the same. And from what I'm seeing, there must be a strong marketing lure for spoiling most of a movie before going to see it.

As it is, they're marketing the living crap out of the film. There are 'Star Wars' products in just about every store I go in, from pet stores, to grocery stores and everything in between. I would not be surprised if there were 'Star Wars' products in Victoria's Secret stores. No, really. I've been surprised where I'm seeing products in grocery stores!  LOL.

Any how, 'Star Wars The Force Awakens' comes to theaters on December 18th, 2015.  And it's just a guess, but I'm guessing it will destroy any box office record, financially speaking, that stands today.

But more on that small distinction in a later piece when all the media starts touting about the financial dominance the film makes.

Psst:  Lucas sold his empire for $4 billion to 'The Mouse.' I'm sure he's pretty happy right now, but I have to wonder if he's wondering if he could not have asked for more, with the typical seller's remorse?

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