'Big Brother' 15 Noise from 7-7-13

If you're looking for a Big Brother detailed recap, that ain't happening here!

This is a very terse recap.

Aaryn wins the HoH and turns around and asks who voted sand-brain (David) out, because that's who she wants to be have-nots.

Aaryn looks pretty intense.  But if you've heard about some of her racial slurring, it has a different look to me.


It's come to Aaryn's conclusion that the people in the house are lying...  um, duh!

The have-nots will be eating liver and Lima beans this week.

Howard has even brought up Aaryn's racist remarks.  WOW, CBS is airing most of the clips that have been in the media over this last week.  Good for them.

And this is why her modeling agency has dumped her sorry, close-minded ass.

Amanda, in her diary room journal, predicts that Aaryn's racist remarks will impact her outside of the house too.  Very insightful.

We watched one girl stalk this one boy all throughout the house.  All because she thinks he's avoiding her, so she turns up the heat on him.  Lucky him.  Trapped in the house with a psycho stalker.

Aaryn nominates Helen and Elissa for eviction.  Go figure!  Aaryn says Elissa makes waves, and Helen is nominated by association.

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