Spoiler Toy News for 'Transformers' and 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Movies

Below are some bits of teaser information for Transformers: Age of Extinction and Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy movies. (And check out the new{international} promo art for the Guardians movie.)

So if you like being surprised in the theater at your movies, this is your "spoiler" warning to avert your eyes and leave the site.  (Gads, that's hard to write, considering I want to add to my web traffic!  LOL)

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OK, with that said,

Transformers: Age of Extinction, toys spoil movie?

As you may or may not know, the rumors are that we will be seeing the Dinobots in the next Transformers film, Transformers: Age of Extinction.  This info was deduced from a "leaked" Hasbro memo to Toys R' Us.

In fact, here's the supposed toy line announcement:

Grimlock (Dinobot name)
Optimus Prime
Slag (Dinobot name)
Slash (Dinobot name)
Snarl (Dinobot name)

Adrian = Galvatron
Bruce = Drift
Duke = Hound
Ivan = Grimloc
Max = Lockdown
Paulie = Strafe
Rally Car = ?
Rocky = Slash
Thunderlips = Slog

(Psst: As of this posting, TF4 was in its final week of principle shooting.)

OK, with that out of the way, the next bit of info that toy lines are spoiling include Guardians of the Galaxy and a potential surprise appearance.

Guardians of the Galaxy, are toys spoiling the plot?

Of course, sometimes toy lines include fantasy pieces that never show up in a movie.  IE: Like the Iron Man on a motorcycle figure from the first Iron Man movie.  Um, yea.

With that said, another leaked product memo from Hasbro, seems to indicate that there will be an Iron Man action figure in the Guardians of the Galaxy (GotG) toy line.

Now being that the rumor, I have to say that this is not the first time I've heard this rumor.  (And for the life of me, I can't find my previous post on the subject.)  But this is rumor seems to have people dancing on eggshells.

As the article I'm sourcing from on GFR notes, Downey is only contracted for Avengers 2 and 3.  No news sources have made noise about another Iron Man movie yet. 

But then again, those contracts for the subsequent Avengers movies could have performance clauses for small appearances in other places.  Or, worse case scenario, if this is even remotely true, could JARVIS be running the suit that appears in GotG?

I guess we'll find out come August of 2014, when GotG comes out.

source: giantfreakinrobot
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